

Based on the analysis of data collected from business support systems and questionnaires, we are conducting research that contributes to evidence-based business operations for tasks such as medical care delivery, for which quality and efficiency are highly dependent on the judgment and actions of people. In addition, we are also applying our research not only to medical care, but also to business management, planning, and other operations in which people use information and knowledge to make decisions. His approach is to describe problems and issues in the real world as systems consisting of multiple elements, and to analyze and redesign them to bring them closer to the ideal state. They also work while respecting active discussion and collaboration with researchers with different specialties and players with different perspectives.

Research Themes

(1) Quality improvement of medical care

The quality of a product or service has two aspects. One is “design quality (quality of planning),” which indicates the degree to which the specifications satisfy customer needs, and the other is “quality of conformity (quality of execution),” which indicates the degree to which the specifications are followed.
Similarly, in the provision of medical care, two aspects can be considered: “quality of planning,” which indicates the degree to which the plan for providing medical care is able to meet patient needs, and “quality of execution,” which indicates the degree to which the plan is able to be carried out. Here, “quality of planning” is considered to depend on the degree to which business methods are established, and research on standardization of medical business processes and process management is underway. On the other hand, “quality of execution” is considered to depend on the competence of personnel engaged in providing medical care, and research on competence management is being conducted.

Related Projects
(1) Process management

Visualization is important because medical operations are intangible activities that are carried out with the input of diverse and highly specialized human, material, information, and other resources. By systematically implementing business function deployment, one of the general business process design methods, while taking into account the unique characteristics of medical care, modules are revealed as subsystems that constitute medical operations.
By making it possible to visualize a common perspective on a wide variety of operations, we are engaged in research on various subjects to determine what kind of redesign should be carried out to what extent.

(2) Staffing and competence management

For operations to be successfully executed, in addition to the design of the process itself, the competencies of the personnel to be deployed must be fulfilled. In other words, to realize quality assurance, it is necessary to assign personnel who possess the competencies necessary for the work (necessary competencies ≤ possessed competencies).
Furthermore, in order to manage such competence, it is necessary to establish a system to improve competence through education based on the results of competence assessment, based on the development of competence assessment items appropriate for the work.

(2) Improving the quality of social systems

〇Analysis of health promotion projects in the region
〇Promoting the introduction of a donor leave system to enable bone marrow and other stem cell donations

Related Projects

早稲田大学 理工学術院 大学院創造理工学研究科



〒169-8555 東京都新宿区大久保3-4-1 51号館9階09-06B室

Shimono Lab.

Social System and Service Management

Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

Room 09-06B, Bld. 51, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555

Copyright © Shimono Lab.